Archive for the ‘Teeth Whitening’ Category

Why Choose Professional Teeth Whitening?

A warm and bright smile is perceived as being a healthy smile. The most common responses to being asked “What would you most want to improve?” are “a whiter and brighter smile”. With Dr. Michael Dr. Mulkey, it is entirely…

Get Your Smile Ready For The Holidays

The holidays are right around the corner, meaning the year is coming to a close. At Lost Mountain Dental, we are here for you during this time and want to remind you of some essential oral health information to ensure…

Teeth Whitening: Which Method is Right for You?

Your smile makes an immediate impact on people you meet. A brighter smile projects youth, vitality, health, happiness, and warmth. When asked, “What would you like to improve most about your smile?”, the most common response is: whiter & brighter…

Get Brighter Teeth With Professional Teeth Whitening

Marietta, GA dentists Dr. Michael Mulkey offer in-office and at-home teeth professional teeth whitening treatments at Lost Mountain Dental. Professional teeth whitening can be an ideal solution for patients who want to improve the look of their smile. With professional…

Start This Holiday Season With A Whiter Smile

The holiday season is filled with company parties, visits from family, and lots of laughs. During the holidays you want to make sure you put your best smile forward, so what better time is there to find ways to brighten your smile?…