Lost Mountain Dental Blog

Teeth Grinding: How To Avoid Further Tooth Damage

Teeth grinding, also called bruxism, can occur in children and adults, although many children eventually outgrow the condition. It can also begin later in life as a result of stress or a bite disorder such as TMJ. Many people are…

Teeth Whitening Just in Time For The Holidays

As you run from store to store this month looking for the perfect gifts for family and friends, consider taking an hour or two to give yourself the gift of a bright, white smile! Marietta, GA Dentists Dr Michael H.…

Maintain Your Oral Health Through The Holidays

The holiday season is full of festive get togethers, family parties, gift exchanges, traditional activities- and lots of sugary snacks and beverages! While we hope that your holiday season leads to more great memories, we also hope that you don’t…

Is Reflux Affecting Your Oral Health?

Acid reflux, GERD, and heartburn are common complaints for many patients today. There are a variety of reasons why someone may experience these common health concerns from genetics to medications to lifestyle habits. Dr. Michael H. Mulkey want to remind…

All You Need to Know about Tooth Bonding

Tooth bonding or dental bonding is one of the least expensive and easiest procedures in cosmetic dentistry. In this process, a tooth-colored resin material is applied, and then using a special light, it is hardened. This eventually bonds that material…

Aging and Dental Health Care

Modern dentistry recommends that we strive to keep our natural teeth healthy for as long as possible for the best quality of life. With the advent of new technology in the dental field and improved standards of oral health in…

Do You Know How to Floss Your Teeth?

We all listen carefully during our routine dental visits to the oral hygiene tips that Dr. Michael Mulkey and his staff offer aimed at preventing tooth decay and other dental problems. We commit to a healthy daily routine as we…

Oral Cancer Screening Can Be Life Saving

Oral cancer is a growing health concern with cases rising annually around the globe. Although there are several contributing factors, one of the most important is the lack of routine screening. Sadly, a large percentage of diagnosed cases are late…

Are you grinding your teeth?

Many people grind or clench their teeth during sleep or when feeling stressed unknowingly. It is even common for athletes to do so when playing intensely. For many it is the natural reaction to perceived stress, but it can also…

Smoking Affects Oral Health

We are all aware of the harmful effects of smoking on our bodies but did you realize how damaging tobacco can be on your teeth? As if the threat of cancer and heart disease wasn’t enough to make you finally…